Bright Smiles for Christmas

Christmas is a fun time of year for many.  The joy we all get from being together and being with family and friends is something we look forward to each year. This usually leads to increased friendships and the guarantee that we do it again the next year.  But what really happens at all of these gatherings rather they are with friends, family, or those works parties?  Well, the truth is we usually all eat a whole lot of food, drink a little too much sugar and alcohol and end up taking pictures.  Those pictures are usually seen for the whole next year and we all tend to notice those who are not giving off such a bright smile.  In fact, many of us dread those pictures do to the way we look. I know for myself that those pictures are something that I normally dread and that I have been working on a way to make sure I am not sad for the next picture this year.  That has a lot to do with my dental routine and how I have been working on keeping my smile bright, and breath smelling decent.


Part of making sure we are mentally and physically prepared for the holiday photo ops means that we have to be careful to stay on a great schedule.  It is a powerful thing what a habit can do and if we set up good habits long before Christmas time we are then able to be able to keep our teeth bright and also healthy for the harsh dental meals and drinks to come. I love great holiday food and drinks, but I am also very aware of what those can do to my teeth.  It is known that sugar helps to break down tooth enamel and also acidic drinks as well.  Add all of those into one and we are not in a big dental debacle of issues. That is why keeping strong dental routines in place can help prevent a lot of problems from happening.


Brushing your teeth is super important and is the number one way to fight off dental issues through the holidays.  We all know it but it can be harder than we plan on when we are traveling or seeing new people.  When you get home at midnight after a work party a bit drunk and really just don't even think about brushing that is the time when you need to brush the most.  We have all been there or when you just got home with the kids after being away all day and no one wants to do anything but go to sleep.  Sometimes that is when you let your teeth slide and all while not thinking about the dental bills that may be coming from that mistake.


So the American Dental Association is generally pretty correct on the amount of brushing we all should be doing.  It is supposed to happen twice a day and for the long amount of two minutes.  That is really a necessary amount of time to help get those food particles out of your mouth.  It is so wise to not only brush but maybe have a whitening toothpaste as well to help keep your teeth bright for those pictures. I would suggest it helps to make your holiday happier!

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